



The development of the conference will be divided in the following topics:

  1. The development of the conference will be divided in the following topics:
  2. Experiences and resources in virtual education 2.0. The MOOC courses massively opened online: Communication of experiences, evaluation and impact of this new tendency.
  3. The implementation of distance education in the challenges of institutional certification and the quality programs.
  4. Blended Learning: Experiences in the search for quality.
  5. Mobil Learning and ubiquitous virtual education.
  6. Assignments of masters and doctorates related to education, technologies and virtuality.



Each one of these topics of which the lectures will orbit in this conference have been motivated by different questions


1. Experiences and resources in virtual education 2.0. The Massive Online Open Courses MOOC: Communication of experiences, evaluation and impact of this new tendency.

What experiences can we communicate about massive online open courses MOOC?

How to evaluate the quality of the massive online open courses MOOC?

Accreditation of knowledge and certification of competencies in massive online open courses MOOC. What strategies are used and what is their validity?

How to evaluate the learning constructed in a MOOC?

What real penetration does the web 2.0 have in current virtual education?

Until where are the contributions of the students the neurological center of the construction of learning and until where are the answers provoked by the slogans of the teachers?

The social construction by contributions of peers helps the significant learning? What studies or experiences can we show that back up these claims?

How has the semantic web started to stand out in e-learning projects?


2. The implementation of distance education in the challenge of institutional accreditation and the quality programs

How can we prepare for the accreditation of the virtual and distance educational programs?

What contributions can we make to improve normativity?

With what criteria, standards and indicators do we work with and which should we work with?

Have there been advances in the unification of criteria for international programs?


3. Blended learning: Experiences in the search of quality

How do we define blended learning? What differences are there with Distance Education? What criteria of quality utilized in Distance Education are functional to apply in the face-to-face education combined with distance education?

What advantages can blended learning offer over Distance Education in the current state of development of the activity?

Is blended learning more adequate for a predetermined educational level or is it equally useful from elementary to superior education?

The professors that are applying blended learning, do they require the same type and level of training as the professors that apply Distance Education o can it be considered an intermediate step between face-to-face and Distance Education?

The sciences that are not learned through Distance Education, like medicine for example, can they find in blended learning an alternative in learning with this model?


4. Mobil Learning and ubiquitous virtual education.

What is the result of the mobil learning projects?

What difficulties do we find in the implementation of ubiquitous projects?

What successful experiences can we communicate?

What technologies have been imperative for ubiquity?

How do we incorporate the teachers to the ubiquitous educational criteria?


5. Assignments of masters and doctorates related to education, technologies and virtuality.

What level of debate, analysis and investigation is performed in the masters in relation to virtual and distance education?

What assignments of masters deserve to be shared with the community?

What investigations or monographs have the doctorates produced during their period of doctorial formation that approaches the topic of education and technologies?